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Precautions for Moisture Increasing of Raw Coal During Operation of Coal Mill

The moisture increasing of raw coal will make the coal transportation difficulty, coal mill output reduced and the temperature of gas  and pulverized coal at the outlet decreased. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the surveillance inspection and timely adjustment, in order to maintain the coal pulverizing system running normally and boiler combustion stability. The following aspects shall be mainly paid attention to: 

1. Frequently check the temperature changes of pipe wall at inlet and out let of coal mill. 

2. Frequently check whether there is coal accumulating and coal blocking when the coal is fed from the coal feeder. 

3. Strengthen the monitoring to the pressure difference and temperature at inlet/outlet of the coal mill, in order to determine whether there is coal feeding interrupting or coal blocking phenomenon. 

4. After the coal pulverizing system has stopped, the inspection hole at the inlet of the coal mill shall be checked. If the coal accumulating on the pipe wall is found, it shall be removed. 
