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Energy Performance Assessment of Boilers

Test Conditions and Precautions for Indirect Method Testing

1. The efficiency test does not account for:
(1) Standby losses. Efficiency test is to be carried out, when the boiler is operating under a steady load. Therefore, the combustion efficiency test does not reveal standby losses, which occur between firing intervals
(2) Blow down loss. The amount of energy wasted by blow down varies over a wide range.
(3) Soot blower steam. The amount of steam used by soot blowers is variable that depends on the type of fuel.
(4) Auxiliary equipment energy consumption. The combustion efficiency test does not account for the energy usage by auxiliary equipments, such as burners, fans, and pumps.

2. Preparations and pre conditions for testing
(1) Burn the specified fuel(s) at the required rate.
(2) Do the tests while the boiler is under steady load. Avoid testing during warming up of boilers from a cold condition
(3) Obtain the charts /tables for the additional data.
(4) Determination of general method of operation
(5) Sampling and analysis of fuel and ash.
(6) Ensure the accuracy of fuel and ash analysis in the laboratory.
(7) Check the type of blow down and method of measurement
(8) Ensure proper operation of all instruments.
(9) Check for any air infiltration in the combustion zone.

3. Flue gas sampling location
It is suggested that the exit duct of the boiler be probed and traversed to find the location of the zone of maximum temperature. This is likely to coincide with the zone of maximum gas flow and is therefore a good sampling point for both temperature and gas analysis.

4. Options of flue gas analysis
Check the Oxygen Test with the Carbon Dioxide Test
If continuous-reading oxygen test equipment is installed in boiler plant, use oxygen reading. Occasionally use portable test equipment that checks for both oxygen and carbon dioxide. If the carbon dioxide test does not give the same results as the oxygen test, something is wrong. One (or both) of the tests could be erroneous, perhaps because of stale chemicals or drifting instrument calibration. Another possibility is that outside air is being picked up along with the flue gas. This occurs if the combustion gas area operates under negative pressure and there are leaks in the boiler casing.
Carbon Monoxide Test
The carbon monoxide content of flue gas is a good indicator of incomplete combustion with all types of fuels, as long as they contain carbon. Carbon monoxide in the flue gas is minimal with ordinary amounts of excess air, but it rises abruptly as soon as fuel combustion starts to be incomplete.

5. Planning for the testing
(1) The testing is to be conducted for a duration of 4 to 8 hours in a normal production day.
(2) Advanced planning is essential for the resource arrangement of manpower, fuel, water and instrument check etc and the same to be communicated to the boiler Supervisor and Production Department.
(3) Sufficient quantity of fuel stock and water storage required for the test duration should be arranged so that a test is not disrupted due to non-availability of fuel and water.
(4) Necessary sampling point and instruments are to be made available with working condition.
(5) Lab Analysis should be carried out for fuel, flue gas and water in coordination with lab personnel.
(6) The steam table, psychometric chart, calculator are to be arranged for computation of boiler efficiency.
